
May 31, 2009 ·

Reading - Colossians: 1: 24 -29

1. Definition
How can we define a church? It is very hard to define it. Several books have been written on the subject. Which one will determine the definition? - Its size, its teachings, its income. Now a day’s people call it with deferent name – house church, mega church and so on. However we can identify a church by its function. In this portion Paul uses the word “Body of Christ” v.24. If you want to know more about it read 1 Corinthians 12th chapter in the context of spiritual gifts.

2. Vision of Church
What could be the vision of a church? - “Present everyone perfect in Christ” there are people within Christendom who do not like the word perfection. According to this understanding we have possibility of committing sine till we die. We will not achieve perfection in our life at anytime. They normally quote 1 John 1:8.

Jesus talked about this perfection in Mathew 5:48. Perfection is not a life without sin. It is not an end in itself. It is a process. It is regeneration of life. It is transformation from one stage to another. Paul clearly explains it in Ephesians 4: 13.

3. Mission of church
What could be the mission of a church? - “present the word of God in its fullness”. A church should preach from the word of correctly.

The church that does not preach the word of God can not stand for long. In many occasions people use the word of God as foot notes. Every one should allow the word of God to speak to them. See how the church was depending on the word of God. Acts1: 42. 1Timothy 4: 13, 2Timothy 2:2. We need to watch our life and doctrine. 1Timothy 4: 16. Some times people think that doctrine is not important. Our way of life should reflect our doctrine and our doctrine should influence our life.

4. Activities of church
The activities of a church are determined by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Read 1Corinthans 12th chapter for detail. If God gives a gift to know what gift a person has got, he should look for a chance to use it. If we are faithful in one gift God may give us more gifts. The activities of a church also will increase. Do not use God but allow God to use you.

5. Resources for church
Some times we think that money is the only resources that can run a church. We depend on foreign money. Now in India we can plant churches without foreign money. God’s energy and our struggle are the resources for church. We are go worker with God.

By Mr. Sweeharan





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